How to play Halo Infinite Inheritor: Battle Royale on Xbox and PC

How to play Halo Infinite Inheritor: Battle Royale is a community-made battle royale mode for Halo Infinite available across all platforms – Xbox and PC included! In order to play Inheritor: Battle Royale on your platform, Halo Infinite must first be installed on it first.

How to play Halo Infinite Inheritor In Battle Royale on Xbox

How to play Halo Infinite Inheritor
  1. Launch Halo Infinite on your Xbox console.
  2. Navigate to the Home screen and click on Community.
  3. Under the Custom Browser section, select TFF Inheritor: Battle Royale mode.
  4. Clicking the Join button to get playing right away.

How to play Halo Infinite Inheritor: Battle Royale on PC:

  1. Launch Halo Infinite on PC.
  2. Click the Community Tab in the Top Menu.
  3. Under the Custom Browser section, select TFF Inheritor: Battle Royale mode.
  4. Click on the Join button to start playing!

Once you join a game of Inheritor: Battle Royale, you will be dropped onto an island with up to 100 other players and given only hours to become the last survivor – by collecting weapons and equipment, eliminating other players, and staying within an ever-shrinking safe zone.

Best Tips for playing Halo Infinite Inheritor: Battle Royale

Here are some tips for playing Halo Infinite Inheritor: Battle Royale:

  • Land in a safe area: Avoid landing in high-traffic spots such as the center of an island or near important landmarks, and aim for landing somewhere more secluded so you have time to loot before coming across other players.
  • Loot up quickly: Once you have landed, prioritize looting quickly as soon as possible, including finding weapons, armor and equipment. Keep an eye out for vehicles which could help transport your supplies across the map quickly while giving you an advantage against enemies.
  • Stay within the safe zone. The safe zone is a shrinking area on the map. Any player outside of the safe zone when it shrinks will take damage and eventually die. It is important to stay within the safe zone at all times, except when you are rotating to a new location or engaging with enemies.
  • Stay vigilant of your environment, particularly when navigating the map. Ensure you thoroughly inspect corners and attentively listen for any approaching footsteps to prevent unexpected encounters with adversaries.
  • Utilize weapons and equipment strategically. Don’t just aim at random; take time and aim for the head when firing your weapon. Furthermore, use equipment in creative ways like throwing a grenade to flush out an enemy hiding behind cover.


Halo Infinite Inheritor: Battle Royale offers an exciting and challenging battle royale mode sure to please fans of Halo Infinite. Boasting large maps, an assortment of weapons and equipment options and fast-paced gameplay, Inheritor: Battle Royale provides players with an immersive new way of experiencing Halo Infinite.

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AAkash has been an avid gamer since he was a youngster. He enjoys spending his time evaluating and writing reviews for both video games and technological products. That is, whenever he is not too busy strolling aimlessly around the streets of Los Santos.

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